September | Loving Native America Needs List
September | Loving Native America Needs
We plan to make a trip to Hard Rock toward the end of September. For this trip, we would like to focus on getting items for the dorms and athletic department at Rocky Ridge Boarding School as well as the chapter’s Senior Center. Below is a list of needed items.
Items for the school:
Senior Center:
You can drop off donations in the church lobby during the week or during Sunday morning services, and make monetary donations at:
Items for the school:
- Laundry detergent and dryer sheets
- Legos (for around ages 11-13)
- Posters (i.e. NBA, WNBA, & universities)
- Gatorade, water with electrolytes, and Liquid I.V.
- Bottled water
- Monetary donations for gas cards to help families watch their kids compete in sport games.
Senior Center:
- Paper products
- Canned fruit and vegetables
- Cleaning supplies
- Dish soap
- Plastic utensils
- Bottled water
You can drop off donations in the church lobby during the week or during Sunday morning services, and make monetary donations at:
Posted in Helping the Navajo Nation