Vineyard Kids - Fruit for Ninjas

Hey Vineyard families!

Fruit of the Spirit: VKids lesson series from Galatians 5:22-24

Here are some fun resources and activities to go along with our new Vineyard Kids lesson series on the Fruit of the Spirit! We know watching Sunday kids church through a TV or laptop is a little different, but we hope this can continue to be a starting point for prayer and discussion with your kids each week. Check out the discussion questions below to go along with our lesson each week!
Activity & Game Ideas:
Joy Game: Write the word "Joy" on small blank stickers (garage sale dot stickers or similar). Give everyone a sheet of joy stickers and play a game of tag! See who can stick the most joy to each other!
Patience Activity: Bake your favorite cookies or sweet treat! Takes some patience to wait for a tasty treat to come out of the oven!!
Discussion Questions:

Love - Focus: Identify God as the source of all love and how we can show God's love to others.
- What is the ultimate act of love that Jesus did?
How does your family show God's love?

Joy-  Focus: Identify God as the source of all joy and how we can have it and express it in many ways. 
What does joy look like to you?
What are some things God does to give you joy?

Peace- Focus: Look at where true peace comes from and apply practical methods for growing in peace in our lives.
What are some things we worry about?
-Talk about how God has power over everything and brings ultimate peace so we don't have to worry.

Patience- Focus: God has patience with us and he can help us have patience in our own lives and help us focus on Him and His timing. 
-How do we know that God has a plan for our lives?
-What are some practical ways to practice patiences in our lives?

Kindness- Focus: Recognize that God is kind to us and that we can show kindness to others.
-Do you think it is more impressive to show vengeance or kindness? Why?
-How is God kind to us?

Goodness- Focus: Learning that God is the only one that is truly good and He helps us to be good when we allow him to be a part of every part of our lives.
-Why do we do things that God does not want us to do?
-What are some things we can do to help us keep our eyes focused on God and what is good?

Faithfulness- Focus: Knowing that God is always faithful in everything He does and we can learn to be faithful in what we do.
-What does it mean to be unfaithful?
-Name 3 examples of God staying faithful and always keeping His promises.

Gentleness- Focus: God does not desire harsh and hurtful environments. He is gentle and loving and helps us to be gentle as well.
-Does it take more strength to be gentle or to be harsh? Why?
- How can we be gentle in our lives? With our words? Our actions? Give examples.

Self Control- Focus: Recognize that in order to have control of our actions, we must rely on God.
-What is self control?
-When is it hard to have self control?