Formation & care

One of the prayers at the Vineyard is that God would do what He wants to do in us, so that He can do what He wants to do through us. We want to be whole, healthy, and surrendered to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and spiritual formation (practicing the way of Jesus) is the way that we cultivate that. Things like prayer, silence, solitude, fasting, and simplicity are things that we seek to nurture in our lives as apprentices of Jesus.

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation is the journey of becoming like Jesus. According to Paul (Rom. 8:29), we have been destined to become like His Son. A major feature of spiritual formation is the adoption of proven practices (e.g. silence, solitude, sabbath, transformational reading of the Scriptures,…) that posture us before God and intentionally offer Him access to our lives for the purpose of shaping us into the image of Christ. We cannot change our hearts, but as we consistently place ourselves before Him He does the work of transformation within us. We then reflect the love of God to a world in desperate need of receiving it.

Rhythms of Grace Community

The Rhythms of Grace Community  is one of the communities at Vineyard Gilbert, and is an intentional community of people, longing to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. It is centered around spiritual formation, soul-care, and a basic rhythm of life.

Care Ministries

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an ancient ministry in the care of souls. A spiritual director is someone who will sit with you in God’s presence and help you notice the work of God in your life. Susan Philips (author of Candlelight) says, “When we meet with a spiritual director or a spiritual friend, we learn about ourselves in the presence of a person who communicates God’s infinite interest in us.” A spiritual director is someone who companions you on your journey with God. If you are interested in meeting with a spiritual director, click on the “Learn More” button.

Immanuel Prayer

Immanuel Prayer (Immanuel Approach) is a model of prayer designed to bring Christ’s healing to the broken, wounded, and painful areas of our hearts and lives. Unresolved pain is one of the major obstacles to becoming the person God intended us to be. If you feel you are in need of prayer in this area of your life, click on the “Learn More” button below, or contact the church office for an appointment 480-892-5828.


Are you seeking counseling? There are trained counselors within our church, and we have a continually growing resource of recommended counselors and therapists in the Gilbert area. To inquire further about options, you can call the church office at 480-892-5828 or email