Practicing the way

Join us in practicing the way of Jesus

At Vineyard Gilbert, we believe the invitation of the Christian life is to be an apprentice (disciple) of Jesus: growing in the character and competency of Christ. We believe this spiritual formation is something that happens in community as we intentionally develop sustainable rhythms, both individually and corporately. Things like prayer, silence, solitude, simplicity, and fasting are ways  we can submit to the character of Christ being formed in us through the power of the Spirit. Throughout the year we'll be offering different opportunities to grow in different practices.

Our Current Practice


The Solitude Practice

In an increasingly distracted and noisy world, we need solitude more than ever. The practice of solitude mimics Jesus’ rhythm of retreat and return: retreat from people and distractions to be with God, in order to return to community in love and service.

Practice With Others

Practicing the Way of Jesus is something that we do with others, not alone. Transformation does not come through information alone, but through imitation - walking it out together, and learning from one another.


If you'd like to delve deeper, here is a book that we recommend as you grow in the practice of solitude:

Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God's Transforming Presence
by Ruth Haley Barton

more on Spiritual Formation

Check out Vineyard Gilbert's spiritual formation resources.