
Here at Vineyard Gilbert we build community around the study of Scripture, worship, and mission.


One way that we are building community in this time is through offering studies that are facilitated via Zoom. This is an opportunity to integrate continued discipleship and practical application of Scripture topics throughout the week, in a way that is accessible during COVID-19.

Fall Classes (Click link below)

The Kingdom Communities Hub

Are you interested in living out your faith in a way that it saturates every area of your life? Do you long for your friends who don't yet know Christ to experience His love in practical and tangible ways? Kingdom Communities are groups of people who want to bring the Kingdom of Heaven into their relationships and who want to partner with Jesus to bring hope and healing.


Small Groups

While there are limitations during the  COVID-19 pandemic, this fall there will be opportunities to connect in-person in small groups. These opportunities will increase as the weather cools and as there are more possibilities to meet in outdoor venues.


Forming kingdom communities

Do you desire to live out the prayer "Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done" in your day to day life as you go throughout the week? Do you desire to walk your faith out in every area of your life, and long to be a part of a community of people who are passionate about that as well? Join us for the Kingdom Communities Hub this fall as we reimagine, discuss, and walk out what community on mission looks like.

What to expect

We are learning to be an extended family on mission

Weekly Meetings
Thursday Nights at 8 pm
(Starting September 24th)
Vineyard Gilbert is using this unique time in the fall of 2020 to rethink and re-approach what intentional Christian community looks like as a body. If you are interested in being in what we are calling the "Kingdom Communities Hub," we will be meeting weekly via Zoom for discussion and equipping on how to integrate our life with God into every area of our lives, and learn how to form healthy community in the process. Then, as the weather cools this fall, we will meet outdoors a couple times a month to build in-person connections and to be the hands and feet of Christ in our worlds.

"The Church is not the building, it's the people, it's not just the gathering, it's also the scattering."

John Wimber

Small Groups

We know that during the COVID-19 pandemic it can be difficult to build connection. While many of our connections will still continue online, and many larger community gatherings will be suspended until outdoor gatherings are possible, there are a few small groups that will be meeting during this fall. More opportunities will be developing soon!

Young Adults Small Group
Ages 18-19

Coffee, Holy Spirit, Worship, Conversation, and Coffee.
WHEN: Sundays at 7pm
WHERE: 5526 E Emelita Ave., Mesa, AZ 85206
CONTACT: Cody Gentes at or 615-507-8524

Vineyard Student Ministries Small Group

WHEN: First Sunday of every month 4pm-5:30pm
WHERE: Chuck and Tora Schrader's home
CONTACT: Mike Gay  at or 602-717-9338

Radiate Red (Girls Clubs)

Girls grades 1-6 and we will be studying women of the Bible.
WHEN: Wednesdays 6pm-8pm
WHERE: VG Campus
CONTACT: Jessica Gentes at or 602-810-4511

Royal Rangers (Boys Clubs)

WHEN: Tuesday 6pm-8pm
WHERE: VG Campus
CONTACT: Mike Gay at or 602-717-9338

"I love these people deeply and they love me. We are family!"

- Lauretta

"I love this church. Pastors and people are genuine.
I feel safe and loved in this place."

- Nancy

"Family oriented. Great spiritual atmosphere. Good people."

- Rex