Moments are everywhere

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”


There are a few different words for the concept of "time" in the New Testament Greek. "Chronos" is chronological time - it's what we are used to viewing time. It's a succession of events: we are born, we grow old, we die. Another word, "telos," means the end of time. When Jesus was on the cross, He cried out "It is finished [teleo]!" It is the completion of something. Then we have a very interesting word for "time" in the Greek: it is "kairos." It means a momentous occasion - it's a watershed moment, a defining moment. We see this show up in Mark 1 when we read about Jesus beginning His ministry. It reads,
Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time [kairos] is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:14b-15 (ESV)

Our lives are saturated with kairos moments. Every day we have an opportunity to experience the Lord's presence in very real and tangible ways. Being apprentices of Jesus means learning to identify these moments in our lives. We are always asking: "What is God saying?" and "What am I going to do about it?"

What is God Saying?


As we observe, we are looking at the situation or circumstance in question. What is happening?What are your thoughts and feelings?


What is the 'now' word that God might be saying about this? How has God led you, and what has He said to you in past? Does scripture say something about what you are experiencing or feeling?


Reframe the situation in light of the Kingdom of Heaven (God's rule and reign). What might God be inviting you to do, think, or act? Discuss it with God, and maybe speak with someone about it. Writing down your thoughts and what you're hearing from the Lord helps this process.

What am I going to do about it?


Pray, and invite the Lord to give you grace and insight to answer the invitation  you sense Him giving you. What is a practical, one-foot-in-front-of-the-other thing that you can do to step-in (or live-in) to the invitation that you are sensing from the Lord?


Step out in faith. Go for it. 


Share your story with someone!