Mini Retreat

Are you finding it hard to stop? Take some time out of your day to go on this guided retreat.


Very often, the hardest thing is to stop and step away from the busyness and chaos of our schedules. Sometimes it feels like we have to pry ourselves away. But the invitation to Sabbath, rest, and pausing is not just an invitation to get out of the flow of busyness but to posture ourselves in a position to let go, surrender, and rest.

Find a quiet place

*and don't forget your journal and something to write with

Ideas: Go for a walk. Find a nice place (like a park or prayer garden) where you can sit. Find a quiet place in your home.


First, take a normal breath.

Then try a deep breath: Breathe in slowly through your nose, allowing your chest and lower belly to rise as you fill your lungs. Let your abdomen expand fully. Now breathe out slowly through your mouth (or your nose, if that feels more natural).

Do this a few times.


There are many ways to reflect, but sometimes it helps to have some guidance. Here is one exercise to help:

Spiritual GPS

The Spiritual GPS is an exercise to reflect and be attentive to where we are at presently in our spiritual journey. Here is a video where Sheri Reaves leads us in this journey. If you prefer to do it on your own without the video, the steps are below.

1.  Quiet yourself and pray

Quiet yourself and invite the Holy Spirit to lead you. Pause and take a minute to do that.
Pray: "Give me the grace, oh God, to know where I have been."

2.  Thoughts

In the past two weeks, what has dominated your thoughts? What has kept you preoccupied? Where have your thoughts been wandering to?

Pause and journal.

3.  Emotions

In the past two weeks, what are the principle emotions you have felt?

Pause and journal.

4. Body

In the past two weeks, what have you noticed in your body? (e.g. pain, fatigue, soreness, etc.)

Pause and journal.

5.  Desire

When you are quiet, what do you find yourself longing for?

Pause and journal.

6.  Reflect

Read over your answers three times slowly. As you do, notice what stands out to you. Write down your observations.

Pause and journal.

7.  Listen

How might God be speaking to you through these observations? What is He showing you? What might He be inviting you to?

Pause and journal.

8. Respond

End by journaling your prayer response to God.

Pause and journal.

Converse &

To end your time, take some time to dialogue with the Lord. Thank Him for His presence. Take a few minutes to just sit in quiet, imagining yourself with Jesus right there with you.