Heart for the Nations Offering

Each November, we receive a Heart for the Nations missions offering, to help fund and support our mission partners. We are now receiving gifts and pledges for this year's offering. By clicking the "Give Now" button below you can give a one-time gift, pledge an amount to be given over the next twelve months, or both.


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"

Matthew 28:19

Here at Vineyard Gilbert we have a heart to see God’s Kingdom expanded in the regions and nations of the world. It is not merely a slogan. It requires major amounts of time, energy and money on an annual basis. It is our way of being involved in kingdom ministry across the street, and around the world.

Supported Missionaries

Himalayan Region Vineyard Churches

For many years we have partnered with several Vineyard churches (mostly from Vineyard Canada) for church planting, education and training, leadership development and various other ministries, such as rescuing children at risk in the villages of the Himalayan mountains.

We have been engaged in a long term commitment and partnership to help support and educate five young people in the Kathmandu, Nepal Vineyard church. Four have now graduated, The support we send now is being used to help the remaining child and other children in the community to attend school, who would be unable to do so otherwise.  Ministry trips to the Himalayan region are quite involved, but for those who qualify, it is a life changing experience.

Children of the Himalayas

We are partnering with the churches of the Himalaya Region Vineyards to help some young children have an opportunity for an education and a better future. This is a long term project that is so rewarding and an opportunity for everyone to be involved. We believe this effort touches the heart of the Father in a special way, as we love and care for his children.

Terry and Darlene Wildman (Rainsong Ministries)

RainSong is Terry and Darlene Wildman. They travel the U.S. and beyond sharing the Jesus Way Native North American Style with their music and storytelling. This past year, Terry completed the First Nations Version translation of the New Testament through IVP, available on their website at: firstnationsversion.com.

Missionaries with Frontiers Missions

Frontiers is an international organization, recruiting, sending and serving teams of ordinary people for long-term service to the communities of the Muslim world. Their members serve in businesses, community development, and other service capacities to help provide resources and knowledge through love and respect to those who are in need.
Vineyard Gilbert supports a number of missionaries with Frontiers, who serve in different capacities.

David and Fiona Killough (Overland Missions)

David and Fiona Killough work as missionaries with Overland Missions, and are based out of Angola South Africa. Overland Missions exists to take the Gospel of Christ to the most remote and forgotten places on earth. They identify these regions and begin the process to spread the good news of Christ until the Gospel has reached its full effect. This means not just sending a team of missionaries over to preach the Word, but deploying a measurable, accountable and effective strategy to empower the local believers to carry on the mission of spreading the Gospel among them in a sustainable way.

Vineyard Chile

For many years Vineyard Gilbert was part of the Vineyard Mission Partnership for Chile*.  In April of 2018 Chile was released to become it's own AVC (Assoication of Churches).

We continue to  enjoy relationship with our sister churches in Chile as they continue to make disciples and plant churches in Chile and beyond.

*(In the Vineyard we are committed to local church based mission and one of the ways this manifests itself is in the formation of mission partnerships wherein several Vineyard churches in the US form a partnership to work with and alongside Vineyard leaders in another nation).

Nathaniel Dunigan (AidChild)

Aidchild was founded by Nathaniel Dunigan. Dunigan first visited Uganda when he was Deputy Director of the Office of the Governor in Tucson, Arizona. A one-month assignment as a volunteer HIV-prevention educator had taken him to Africa where he met many children who were suffering and dying. On his return to the US, he resolved to make a difference, and completed a feasibility study for his Aidchild concept. At the age of 26, he resigned from his job, sold his car and belongings, and moved to Uganda. He had an initial budget of just $3,500. Two years later, Aidchild was chosen by the Ugandan and American governments as a model of pediatric HIV/AIDS care for the entire continent of Africa. A second center was created just after that, as was a treatment laboratory that has served the needs of more than 3,000 children and adults living with AIDS.

David & Lissa Hinman

Trainers for Disciple-Making Movements here and around the world, especially West Africa.