Welcome to the Vineyard
Vineyard Community Church, Gilbert, is a diverse community of followers of Jesus. We seek the inbreaking of the Kingdom of God here and now. We worship God with the intention of touching heaven and changing earth. We desire to be a church that reflects the heart of Jesus, whose compassion draws people from impossible situations into a circle of hope, friendship, and healing. We acknowledge we all come to Christ broken and that it is the power of the Holy Spirit that heals and mends our souls.
Transformed by Christ, in Community, for the World.
Learn more about who we are and meet the staff by clicking the button below!
What To Expect
A typical Sunday gathering at Vineyard Gilbert lasts about 75 minutes. We spend 25-30 minutes in contemporary worship, followed by a message and ministry time.
9 & 11 am
Our 9 & 11 am services meet in our worship center. There is children's ministry available both services, and the Jr. High meets during the 11 am service.
11 am
kids & Student Ministries
Vineyard Student Ministries
Wednesday Night Encounter | 6th - 12th Grade
Sunday Morning Jr. High | 6th - 8th Grade
Sunday Morning Jr. High | 6th - 8th Grade
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
601 S Cooper Rd., Gilbert, AZ 85233