Outdoor Service Survey

Dear Friends:
We appreciate your patience and flexibility these past nine months as we've been navigating the challenges COVID-19 has brought to us as a church. At each point along the way, we have tried to make the best decisions we can to “do church” in a safe and responsible manner taking into account the recommendations of the CDC, the White House Coronavirus Task Force, and the requirements of Maricopa County. We believe the best way to approach this situation is with both faith and wisdom. This is what we have been attempting to do.
We would really appreciate your input on something we've been considering and discussing as a staff and we’ve designed a survey so you can share your input with us. I’ll get to the survey in a moment, but first let me explain what we’ve been thinking about.

The idea we’ve been discussing, and brainstorming is the possibility of taking our 11:00 am service outdoors. I need to stress this is not something we’ve committed to doing, it’s something we are considering. If, in the end, we do take the 11:00 am service outdoors,

Face masks would not be required during the 11:00 am service.
  • We would set up in the south parking lot and encourage everyone to bring their own chairs (e.g., lawn chairs or camping chairs). We would ask individuals and families to socially distance as well. (We would have some chairs on hand to use for anyone who needs them).
  • Worship would be led with less than a full band. (Typically, a lead vocal, guitar, djembe drum, and back-up vocal).
  • Lyrics for the songs we’ll be singing would be available to download through our church app. We’ll also have some hard copies available for those who need them.
  • Children’s ministry would be limited to nursery and toddlers and would be inside the building. We would have activity bags for the older kids who would sit with their families during the 11 am service.
  • Nothing would change in the 9:00 am service. It would continue to meet in the worship center as it has been -- with social distancing in place. Children’s ministry for all ages would be available at 9:00 am and face masks would continue to be required during the 9:00 am service.
  • We would also record the 9:00 am service for broadcast at 11:00 am for those streaming from home.
This is the scenario we’re considering. It will require extra work on the part of our staff, but we’re happy to do this if it will help facilitate more of us being able to come together to worship in person.

That’s the question we don’t know the answer to, but if you’ll take 3-5 minutes to answer our one question survey, we’ll be able to get a pretty good idea. Just click on the survey here:  
Having shared this with you, I know we run the risk that some may be disappointed if we don’t do the outdoor service, and other may be disappointed if we do. All I can tell you is that we are looking to make the best decision we can to benefit the greatest number of people while dealing with our current situation in a responsible way with faith and wisdom.  
Please take a moment now to click on the link above and complete the online survey. Thanks in advance for your help.


 Jack Moraine