Psalms of ascent

Summer series starting June 23rd

This summer we are spending time in what have been called the Psalms of Ascent (or "Songs for Travelers on the Good Road" as the First Nations Version translates the idea).  These 15 psalms are ancient songs and poems that were traditionally sang or recited as people would journey to Jerusalem for festivals and/or worship. They are called psalms of "ascent" because (geographically) Jerusalem sits on a plateau, so it was an uphill journey. However, symbolically, for the traveler, this also represented a spiritual 'upward' journey of meeting with God. This summer, as a community, let's walk the road together of the upward journey of the heart - making these ancient prayers, songs, and poems our own.

Join The Journey

We hope that you'll join us as we journey together in this selection of the Psalms. We know that with summertime comes travels, vacations, and different rhythms to life. We've created this summer sermon series to incorporate our church app in an intentional way. We hope that you'll join us!
10:30 - Worship and the Word

On the VG app (free to download)

Engage the journey on the VG app!

Tools to learn more about the Psalms

From videos from the Bible Project to a list of the Psalms themselves, we have curated the app to be a tool in your journey in the Psalms of Ascent.

Easy access to messages from our series

The Sunday morning messages in this series are devotional expressions from various people connected to our community. If you miss one, you'll be able to find them all in the app.

Formational helps

You'll also find links to practices that aid in connecting the head to the heart.

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