
Here at Vineyard Gilbert we build community around the study of Scripture, worship, and mission.

Kingdom Communities

Connection Groups


kingdom communities

Do you desire to live out the prayer "Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done" in your day to day life as you go throughout the week? Do you desire to walk your faith out in every area of your life, and long to be a part of a community of people who are passionate about that as well? These things are what are  at the heart of Kingdom Communities.

Kingdom Communities

What are Kingdom Communities? They are mid-sized groups of people who are following Jesus together: growing in their relationship with God & each other, while living lives of mission - bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into their relationships.

Young Adults

Ages 18-29
The Young Adult community is passionate about Jesus - where worship, ministry, and connections happen.

Leader: Cody Gentes

Blooming in the Desert

All Are Welcome
Blooming in the Desert is a community located in west Mesa. In our Faith Journey, we desire to come into full bloom and bear much Kingdom fruit as we live in this desert, and we would welcome you to go on that journey with us.

Leaders: Allen and Vicki Eaton

Rhythms of Grace

Online & In-person
The Rhythms of Grace Community  is an intentional community of people, longing to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. It is centered around soul-care and a basic rhythm of life.

Leader: Joel Bidderman

Joy Builders

All Are Welcome
The Joy Builders Community is a Kingdom Community dedicated to building joy strength and resilience in our lives and into the lives of our missionaries and cross-cultural workers.

Leaders: John & Debbie Hervey

Gentes Group

All Are Welcome
An East Valley area small group focused on worship, community, spiritual practices and ministry. We facilitate worship and coordinate times of directional teaching, sharing and lots of hands-on ministry.
*Currently available online

Leader: Kim Gentes

VSM Community

High School
Vineyard Student Ministries has a few different communities that operate as Kingdom Communities.

Leader: Mike Gay


Looking for ways to connect? Our Connection Groups are more ways to connect and get involved at Vineyard Gilbert.

Vineyard Women

Be on the lookout for ways to connect with the women's ministry at Vineyard Gilbert!

Vineyard Men

As we build community in 2021, there will be coordinated times for men to connect, study the word, pray together, and more!


"It is important to be biblically literate, but we must also be biblically obedient!" - John Wimber

Go Deeper

One way that we are building community in this time is through offering studies that are facilitated via Zoom. This is an opportunity to integrate continued discipleship and practical application of Scripture topics throughout the week, in a way that is accessible during COVID-19.

These classes are chances to go deeper in applying Scripture to our lives through study, discussion, and practice. Join us, and check back to take advantage of more studies to come!

Upcoming Study

(Coming in the fall) The Healing Ministry Study is a study led by Jack Moraine and is a book study of Jack's book by the same title. However, it's not just a study of the 'information' of healing ministry, but also a chance to put it into practice.

This class will be running in the fall. Check back for dates and registration.
*This is also considered a training course for those who are interested in being  a part of the prayer ministry teams on Sunday morning.

"The Church is not the building, it's the people, it's not just the gathering, it's also the scattering."

John Wimber